Where do we begin? Who are we? , Who are you? These kinds of questions stir the pot when it’s brought into this systematic world only curious enough to understand the truth of it all. Maybe you can grasp that from one perspective, maybe you can find it out on your own. In silence, you will realize that you feel alone, think to yourself and ask yourself all of the questions and then answer them. In this book that you are about to read, enter the conversation with me. Then tell me what you think. Join me.
Unafraid. Fearless. A few words that describe the artistic mind of Rafael Arturo, his willingness to unravel the mounts of depth within his expressionism is something to analyze. In a world where the outside rules the inside his only intention is to understand the reasons behind all motives, the reasons why, where, who, what, and when. Overall an artist by his perspective is someone who presents truth, truth by words truth by image truth by color truth by emotion - an endless conversation of what it means to “ be “.